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This is me

The connection that we humans have with technology is something that I find the extremely interesting. Having now completed my M.Sc in Interaction Technology, I feel well equipped to professionally pursue human-to-technology interaction, by being part of making creative, novel technological interventions for the benefit of humans. My areas of interest include designing interactive experiences via games, sound and physical interactive environments. I also value involving potential users in the creative design process with appropriate human centered design approaches since they are the ones who will eventually use it and I would like them to have the best possible experience. With my work and project experience, I have relished being part of developing innovative technology that is intuitive, understandable and useful for humans. I enjoy working in a dynamic, progressive environment, brimming with learning and growth.


Skills & Expertise

Conceptual: Interactive Storytelling, Game Design, Human Centered Design, Designing Interactive Experiences

Software: Unity, Reaper, inVision, Mural

Hardware: Arduino, HTC VIVE, Geomagic Touch, Myoware (EMG sensor), Breathline (breath sensor)

Languages: Python, C#, MATLAB, LaTeX

Communication: Highly competent ‑ English, Hindi; Basic ‑ Dutch (Level A2)


Dec 16 - Jul 18

SAP ABAP Consultant

Handling user queries, debugging ABAP codes and creating extensive weekly project performance reports

VR and Teleoperation Intern

Jul 19 - Nov 19

Developed, demonstrated and evaluated a prototype for virtual assistive features (with VR and haptic feedback) for maintenance engineers to practice and better visualize
their actual task to be done at a thermo-nuclear plant.


AR & Interaction Design Intern

May 21 - present

Working on building AR football training applications. Using Unity’s AR Foundation with AR Core for AR implementation and OpenCV for object tracking.

Aug 20 - present

Football Trainer (part-time)

Managing a football team with weekly training sessions and matches.

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