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Designing Interactive Experiences - Tomb Raider



The Boerenkerkhof, Enschede is an old cemetery where the last burial occurred in 1952.It is now a public park. The people resting in the Boerenkerkhof are important people from the history of Enschede. Our job was to develop an interactive installation in the cemetery such that the stories of these legends of the city are made known to visitors. Read this article about the final project presentation day.

Our idea was to shed light, both literally and metaphorically on the history of the city of Enschede, NL. We used an empty tomb as a base to build a dark room over it. A visitor could enter this dark room with a directional UV lamp and get to know about the important people in the city’s history. When the light is aimed at certain walls/floor, the respective surface come to life (with the help of light sensors), creatively telling stories of the respective persons (in first person) resting at the Boerenkerkhof, Enschede, controlled with the help of Arduino, programmable LED lights, glow paints, storytelling through sound and related artefacts. Hence, visitors could not only see and listen to the stories of these legends of Enschede, but also touch and feel artefacts such as cloth woven from the textile industry during the industrial revolution, etc. Learn more about the process by clicking on the images below:

Here is a video of a visitor's experience inside the installation:

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