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sound design

Microphone Sound Editing

• The M.Sc course - Storytelling through Sound helped me dive into sound design. It is amazing how much of a difference a well-made audio - designed with care and finesse - makes to the overall experience in entertainment, games or even just to listen to.
• I used sound design in various projects, as you can explore below

Audio Story - The While True

The While True is a TV show-episodic style thriller audio story, with thrills and spills and comedic trills sprinkled in between. The story revolves around Jack, who faces not one, but two troublesome situations to overcome.​


List of recorded sounds:
1. SF-666 microphone: Buggy’s voice, Narration, Jack’s thoughts, Indian trickster in the museum (Credits – Brolin Fernandes)
2. Samson meteorite microphone: Jack’s female voice (Credits – Miriam Riefel)

Anchor 1

Audio in Breathing exercise games

As part of my Master thesis, I proposed some theory related to the possible roles of audio/music in breathing exercise games. These are: 1. Ambience: Suitable background audio, music and preference - to provide enjoyment, attention and intrinsic motivation for activity/exercises

2. Rhythm: To provide a rhythm according to which gamers can breathe, eg: the beats/counts of a song, a metronome, etc.

3. Instructional audio: Audio cues to guide correct breathing behavior, eg: inhalation/exhalation sounds at right instants, rising/falling tones, verbal instructions, etc.

4. Feedback: Audio feedback according to player performance, eg: addition of noise, changing tones of music, adding correct/incorrect sounding beats/notes according to how the player breathes, etc.


An example of how such audio in a breathing exercise game can be designed is shown in the image below:

Musique Concrete

Experimental technique of musical composition using random recorded sounds as raw material. Enhanced/edited/effect-added versions of these sounds are used to make a musical composition that is random, yet not so random. Have a listen!

All sounds in this audio are recorded with Zoom H2N:
- Church bells
- Church choir singing "Amen"
- Frying pork
- Harp
- Random market chatter

Changing the mood


A 'Storytelling through Sound' assignment, where we needed to change the mood of an existing monologue with by exploring sound design and effects.


Original monologue:…nnel=GraceWoosley

Check out more on my SoundCloud account

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