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GACE: Game Action Control Events

Game Action Control Events (GACEs) represents the coupling between the physical real-world action (controller action) and the in-game action. With existing games taken as examples, we found that these GACEs can either be Single Action (SA) or Continuous Action (CA) events.


SA: These are events that trigger an in-game action with a single gamer action, such as a button press or a screen swipe. 

CA: These are events that require continuous action from the player, requiring sustained action game-controllers.


For example, player movement in various games, motion sensor, mouse pointer action, etc.

These GACEs might either be standalone or require directional (SA/D, CA/D) or amplitude (SA/A, CA/A) control. Nearly every game action possible can be fit into the above mentioned GACEs or a combination of them.


Using this concept of GACEs, we can use different types of controllers to perform the required in-game action. Take a generic endless runner game, with a computer keyboard input and alternative breath control input as an example:

Endless runnerconfig.png

Some existing breath-controlled games that comply with the GACEs mentioned above:

Existing breathing games.png

Inter Domain Transferrability of Breathing Exercise Games

With insights obtained from participants from the singing domain, we could understand their needs, what they might like in a breathing exercise game for them. 


We also found several other domains that require breathing exercises which include, but are not limited to: Wind-instrument playing, mindfulness and breath therapy. With literature and user interviews, we found out their breathing exercises and goals that they need to fulfil. 


The image below is the proposed framework of inter-domain transferability of breathing exercise games, as with an understanding of domains, we can alter the game controllability, game audio and the visuals in the game so as to be able to design several breathing exercise games, fulfilling several goals, in different domains that require breathing exercises.

Transferrability (4).png
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